$UNAGI LP Locked on UniCrypt!
$UNAGI had completed the second LP token locked as per concluded by the community. Guess what, we had locked our remaining LP token into UniCrypt for 5 years starting from today.
Below is the transaction hash: BSC Tx Hash. After having long time collecting feedbacks from community, despite suggesting multiple new platform for LP token lockers, community still prefer on locking on the same platform as UniCrypt. Hence, we did it and make it based on majority suggestion. Thank you for all your suggestion on other platform as well.
Our $UNAGI token contract address is as always and never changed: https://bscscan.com/token/0x8f20ebd7cdb3efdb51d58d582a21e1a0b41f4436.
Don’t forget to be active in our Twitter, Telegram and our celebration events ended soon by 5th June 2021.
Reminder: $UNAGI Dev’s Team will never DM you in any channel to request for your wallet private key. Please do your proper research and also understand the risk before you proceed to any kind of investment including UnagiSwap. Please beware of there might be FAKE smart contract, Scammer or Same/Similarity token name in the network. Please do read properly all the information and we will not responsible for any loss of the community.